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Showing results 21 to 40 of 3666 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1986A case study of wage and salary administration with special reference to Kumbhi Kasari Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Limited Kuditre-416204Rao, P Subba; Shelar, Maruti T
1983A case study of wage and salary administration with special reference to maschinen fabrik polygraph (India) Ltd. Shiroli-Kolhapur.Khanzode, V V; Bojagar, Shaukatli A
1992A comparative analysis of management practices in co-operative and private sugar factoriesThomas, Babu; Valgadde, B V
1996A comparative study of aesthetic views in art and architecture of ancient and medieval Indians, with special reference to religious developments.Kamble, B R; Pusalkar, Mahesh Vasudeo
1990A comparative study of application of quantitative techniques in selected small scale industries- Udyamnagar Kolhapur.R V, Kulkarni; S V, Jawale
1993A comparative study of cost accounting systems in co operative spinning mills in IchalkaranjiChavan, V M; Kore, A A
2013A comparative study of customer satisfaction with special reference to fast food retail outlets of Mcdonalds and Dominos Pizza in Pune cityKodag, V B; Nangare, Vikrant Vilas
2012A comparative study of disbursement of housing loan of public private co operative banks in Sangli Miraj Kupwad corporation areaSwami, R K; Arun, Mahajan Archana
1988A comparative study of economics of factory Sponsored co operative and private lift irrigation schemes in Warananagar areaPatil, J F; Todkar, P N
2011A comparative study of financial performance of S D S S S K Ltd Shiro Tal Shirol dist Kolhapur and S C S S S K Ltd Kagal Tal Kagal dist KolhapurShaha, N V; Ramchandra, Sinde Shubhangi
1991A comparative study of management practice adopted by the Gadag co-operative textile mill Ltd., and the farmers co-operative spinning mill Ltd., Hulkoti. Gadag talukaAli, M M; Kurahatti, Chandrashekhar N
2006A comparative study of Mulkraj Anands untouchable and Arun Sadhus BahishkrutKanwadkar, M M; Surajbhan, Shivkumar
1989A comparative study of outlook towards family planning of different religious communities, with special reference to AjaraMadgulkar, A D; Gajendragad, Vedvyas N
1991A comparative study of personnel practices in co-operative sugar industries in Maharashtra.Dingre, G V; Zalkikar, Sanjay N
1988A comparative study of Robert Browning's Dramatic Monologues and Divakar's (Shankar Kashinath Garge's) NatyachhatasHatkanaglekar, M D; Joshi, Subodh
1994A comparative study of Shashi Deshpande's that long silence and Shanta Gokhale's Rita VelinkarBadode, R M; Kulkarni, V B
1994A comparative study of sugarcane pricing in private and co-operative sugar factories.Jugale, V B; Nanaware, H S
2000A comparative study of the administration of primary schools in Madha talukaGaikwad, M A; Patil, V T
2001A comparative study of the theme of exploitation and protest in the autobiographies of Richard Wright and Daya PawarPakle, G S; Sargar, S D
1988A comparative study of violence in the selected plays of Tennessee Williams & Vijay TendulkarHatkangalekar, M D; Arwade, Shobha S