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Showing results 3490 to 3509 of 3710 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1985Trade union leadership in Kolhapur a sociological studyPatil, Rajendra B; Salunkhe, Sarjerao A
1995Transformer design a software approachSawant, S R; Mudholkar, Ravindra R
2017Translation of one act play Bali by Vijay TendulkarBadve, V V; Patwardhan, Madhuri
1987Transport properties of amorphous semiconducting chalcogenide compoundsZope, J K; Patil, Vijaykumar Govindrao
1989Transport properties of amorphous semiconducting chalcogenide compoundsZope, J K; Jagtap, Subhash Ramaji
1987Transport properties of amorphous semiconducting chalcogenide compounds With reference to Se Te In systemZope, J K; Ahire, Daga Vedu
2008Treatment of imperialism in J G Farrells novels The siege of Krishnapur and the Singapore gripDraxi, I R; Jadhav, Sunil Eknath
2014Treatment of landscape in select poems of Jayanta Mahapatra and Keki N DaruwallaLokhande, R P; Dhanawade, Megha Lakshman
1991Trends in cropping pattern in Kolhapur districtDoshi, R R; Kagwade, Mohini C
1994Trends in cropping pattern in Sangli districtDoshi, R R; Pore, Rajashri Balkrishna
2013Trends in revenue expenditure of government of India 1991 2011Pathak, Anagha V; Dharme, Nita Prakash
2003Trends in the direct tax revenue of the government of India 1991 2001Dange, Ajitkumar A; Kate, Trupti Harish
2001Tukaram Darshan Sadanand More v vidrohi tukaram Dr A H Salunkhe ya don granthancha taulnik ani chikitsak abhyasPatil, Suman R; Chavan, Girija Shankarrao
1994Tukaramanchya abhangatil katha ani vyaktichitreTapre, Pandit Bhimrao; Patil, Kanchan B
1995Tukavipranchi sphut KavitaGinde, V P; Takbhate, Bharati Shankar
1990Tuljapur talukyatil madhyamik shalanmadhil ganit adhyapnachya ajchya sthiticha chikitsak abhyasIngole, Ramchandra Nivruti; Deshmukh, Shalini Digamba
1999Tuljapur talukyatil madhymik shikshkancha mulyshikshnakade pahnyacha drushtikonacha abhyasH N, Jagtap; Oname, Asha V
1994Tuljapur- A study in religious tourismDeshmukh, S B; Jadhav, S B
1988TV and its influence on school-childrenYadav, J B Ambekar; Kalekar, Babasaheb N
1993Two dimensional thermal boundary layer flow through porous mediumWaghmode, B B; Lokhande, Aroon Dattatraya