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Showing results 963 to 982 of 3666 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1989C P Snows thesis of two cultures as reflected in his major novelsDesai, S K; Ghattargi, S M
1988Capacity utilization of co-operative sugar factories in Kolhapur districtPatil, J F; Kakade, V B
2012Caryl Phillips crossing the river A study in postcolonial diasporaLangare, C A; Balasaheb, Adimani Smita
1990Cash credit facilities of the Pandharpur Urban co-operative Bank Ltd., Pandharpur (1986-87 to 1987-88)Shreshthi, C S; Sawale, M S
1986Caste, occupation and social change in a modernizing villageKashalikar, M J; Marathe, Ashok S
1994Cation exchange separation of some metal ions in aqueous acetone ammonium citrate mediumKulkarni, S V; Kolekar, S B
1992Cation exchange separation of some metal ions in aqueous acetone ammonium tartrate mediumKulkarni, S V; Andhare, N R
1984Cation exchange separation of some metal ions in aqueous acetone-succinic acid mediumKulkarni, S V; Ganbawale, V S
2010Chakachi khurchi ya atmakathanacha chikitsak abhyasMahadik, Nalini; Jadhav, Sheetal Chandrakant
2015Challenges and problems in testing of web based application A study of software companies in Pune cityMundhe, Shivaji D; Patil, Dayanand S
1997Chandragupt vidyalankar ke natak Sanvedana Aur shilpChavan, Arjun Ganpati; Shinde, Aviraj C
2001Chandrakanta ki kahaniyo main chitrit madhyvargiy kamaj jivan Suraj ugne tak Aur dahlij par nyay ke sandarbh mainSwami, Eresh S; Bhavar, Bhaskar U
1994Chandrakumar nalge yanchya kadambari lekhanacha abhyas devachi saksh ani agin phule chya AdharePatil, Suman Rajaram; Kadam, Anita Charudutta
1995Chandramumar nalge yanchya Lalitlekhanache Vishesh Gavakadchi mati chandrabanatlya savlya v mantarkaif yanchya adhare abhyasNasirabadkar, L R; Patil, Annasaheb Sidgauda
1997Changes in capital structure and profitability a case study of Kulkarni power tools Shirol dist KolhapurKulkarni, S K; Tanksale, Megha Nagesh
1993Changes in red cell membrane lipids in nephrotoxic anemiaSawant, V A; Nayakawadi, Sushama A
1983Changing attitude towards marriage: A study of unmarried graduates in a rural settingPawar, S N; Mane, Manik C
2012Changing berad community of Mangaon village A sociological studyR N, Salve; Ambi, Govind Maruti
1998Changing nature of family and caste in rural India A case study of Revaggi village in KarnatakaPawar, S N; Biradar, Vaijanath A
1997Changing pattern of rural manpower utilisation a critical study of Khanapur village dist Belgaum Karnataka statePatil, V S; Dajiba, Goral Sonappa