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Showing results 3640 to 3659 of 3710 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1996W. S. Maugham's women characters: A critical studyKulkarni, Pralhad A; Niyogi, Vijayalaxmi Anandrao
1993Wage and salary administration in a public sector undertaking: A case study of Hindustan latex limited, Kanagala, Belgaum.Rao, P S; Patil, S A
1990Wages and other relevant problems of female agriculture labour in Shirol talukaAmbardekar, N S; Jugale, Yojana Vasantrao
1985Warana co operative Bank A case study in co operative banking and rural developmentPatil, J F; Patil, S S
1990Warehousing facility for agricultural goods in Maharashtra stateDoshi, R R; Harkud, G S
2014Waste management in rural area of Sangli districtKamble, P S; Tanaji, Shinde Varsha
2006Water supply and sanitation programme in rural Maharashtra A case study of Jainyal village with special reference to sant gadagebaba gram swachhata abhiyanSalunkhe, Sarjerao A; Patil, Shobha Satupa
2005Wavelets with simple closed from expressionsChaudhary, M S; Vyavahare, Sachin M
1984Welfare activities in small scale industries located at Udyam-Nagar, Kolhapur, with special referance to- 'Yashwant iron and steel works Ltd, Kop'.Khanzode, V V; Nilpankar, R S
2007Wind power generation and its impact assessment in Maharashtra : A spatio-economic AnalysisRamotra, K. C.; Ramotra, K. C.; Pakhare, R. P.
2007Wind power generation and its impact assessment in Maharashtra : A spatio-economic AnalysisRamotra, K. C.; Ramotra, K. C.; Pakhare, R. P.
1998Wole Soyinka s comedies A critical studyShinde, Jayaprakash A; Baburao, Raut Suhas
1989Women and media with special reference to Radio, TV and NewspapersYadav, J B Ambekar; Marulkar, Ashvini Vijay
2002Women characters in Anita Desais novels with special reference to cry the peacock where shall we go this summer And fire on the mountainKulkarni, Pralhad A; Sapali, Ashok N
1987Women characters in eugene o'neill's playsKher, P R; Patil, T L
1984Women characters in Huxley' s novelsDesai, S K; Yadav, Sunanda Bhagawanrao
2014Women employment through self help groups A study of Andhali villageKakade, V. B.; Kadam, Ashwini Raghunath
2000Women in African fictionChavan, Sunanda P; Mujawar, Anisa G
2001Women in higher education A study of enrolment pattern in Shivaji UniversitySalunkhe, Sarjerao A; Patil, Vidhya V
1986Women in Raja Rao's novelsBadve, V V; Desai, Sucheta